
Sitejabber 1.4.9 for Microsoft Edge

Sitejabber (plinoimoabncjdaahjegjoiilbgfjmfg): Get reviews and ratings on every website you visit: Find great businesses and surf safely with the Sitejabber Edge Extension.…Read more about Sitejabber> or Download crx file now >

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Sitejabber is a free Shopping extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file or the old version crx files to install it.

More About Sitejabber


Read reviews and instantly get business ratings with the free Microsoft Edge Extension from Sitejabber, the leading online community of reviewers.

The Sitejabber Extension gives you insights into what reviewers really think of any site you visit. You’ll also see Sitejabber ratings on each search result – so you can confidently purchase online, discover amazing businesses… and avoid the sketchy ones.

Here’s how it works:

Site safety at a glance
* A red, yellow, or green star icon in your browser window tells you whether the site has poor, mixed, or good reviews.

Unlock site details
* Click the star to view review data, rate and/or review the site, and find the business’s contact info.

Get answers fast
* Clicking on the star also allows you to ask questions of reviewers, past customers, and the business itself.

Free forever
* Yep, this must-have tool costs nothing. And the $$$ you’ll save? Only one way to find out. Try it today.


Founded in 2007, Sitejabber is a mission-driven organization with a proven history of commitment to bringing honesty and transparency to any purchase. Our platform helps millions of users make informed buying decisions backed by reviews. We amplify real voices so everyone can find and share feedback on businesses and their products online. Sitejabber is also the only review platform to be both funded by the US government’s National Science Foundation and an official Google review partner.

For more information, visit
Read what Lifehacker had to say about Sitejabber:
Note: Sitejabber never records or stores any of your browsing data.

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