
Muzli 31.0.31 for Microsoft Edge

Muzli (ojliknkghkfaflcdckdfaebdnchahihb): Your daily dose of design with industry news, tools, and inspiration - all in one place.…Read more about Muzli> or Download crx file now >

Muzli Add-on Details

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3.18 MB
Edge Store

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• Mature Content: None

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Muzli is a free Productivity extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file or the old version crx files to install it.

More About Muzli

Muzli takes the center stage as it replaces your default tab and becomes your simple and beautiful design oriented home page.

Once installed, Muzli becomes your visual hub for the latest and most cutting-edge Design, UI, UX, and interactive content. It serves daily content from all major design and inspiration sources that ensures you will never miss the next big thing.
Plus, our hand-picked, professionally curated "Muzli Picks" journal ensures you're treated to the crème de la crème of design inspiration.

You can always make Muzli personalised, by choosing from over 160+ creative design sources that cater to your unique interests, so you can always find the content that resonates with you the most.

We always try to deliver a design-centric browsing experience that ensures you will always keep up with the creative realm and make your exportations feel seamless.

Cheers from Muzli team!

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