V2EX Lite

V2EX Lite 1.0.0 for Microsoft Edge

V2EX Lite (oigchgbdeldmhclpeihnabkabginakci): A Chrome extension for V2ex…Read more about V2EX Lite> or Download crx file now >

V2EX Lite Add-on Details

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V2EX Lite is a free Blogging extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, download the latest version crx file to install it.

More About V2EX Lite

A browser extension for V2ex.

帮你更快更简单的查看 V2ex,支持 Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge 和 Brave。

## 功能

- 使用 V2ex API 2.0 Beta
- 支持填写 Personal Access Token
- 支持查看 V2ex 的所有版块主题(需填写Personal Access Token)

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