Bing Chat Saver

Bing Chat Saver 0.2.0 for Microsoft Edge

Bing Chat Saver (nkmgdpbijnpjfgpokgkomodmpmkencca): Saving Bing Chat for you, for sharing…Read more about Bing Chat Saver> or Download crx file now >

Bing Chat Saver Add-on Details

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169.28 KB
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Bing Chat Saver is a free Accessibility extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, download the latest version crx file to install it.

More About Bing Chat Saver

Are you tired of losing your Bing chat history every time you refresh the page? With this plugin, you can export your chat history in various formats such as images, text, and JSON, and save it to your browser for future reference.
Release Note

- 自动保存聊天到“聊天记录”页面:关闭或刷新界面、点击新话题或提交反馈后;
- 去除功能:导出后保存对话到“聊天记录”页面
- 聊天记录UI调整,如:必应回复渲染,添加标题搜索


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