Local Storage Explorer

Local Storage Explorer 1.2.2 for Microsoft Edge

Local Storage Explorer (nkdmcjcjockgndbclkahohpmljpmnimo): Developer tool for exploring localStorage and sessionStorage which parses JSON values…Read more about Local Storage Explorer> or Download crx file now >

Local Storage Explorer Add-on Details

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Local Storage Explorer is a free Developer Tools extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, download the latest version crx file to install it.

More About Local Storage Explorer

Local Storage Explorer extends DevTools panel and brings you the ability to explore localStorage and sessionStorage values, allowing parse and beautify JSON values.

– LocalStorage JSON parser & beautifier
– Shows value type and length
– Delete keys and clear storage in one click
– Light and Dark themes based on DevTools color schemes
– Adaptive design: comfortable work with a small window size

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