LinghuBros Reader

LinghuBros Reader 1.3.4 for Microsoft Edge

LinghuBros Reader (nadhfoakegpkbnihkdadcifmngdmfioh): An excellent reader that supports viewing images inside PDF files, and supports TTS for ePub and PDF.…Read more about LinghuBros Reader> or Download crx file now >

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LinghuBros Reader is a free Productivity extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

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More About LinghuBros Reader

LinghuBros Reader is a reading software designed for ePub and PDF, focusing on reading, learning and managing local e-book resources. Supports Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera and other browsers.

Core features:
1. Support split-screen reading, which can support opening two books at the same time, making full use of the screen and improving the efficiency of reading and searching for knowledge;
2. Supports smooth underlining and note-taking on PDF, as simple and convenient as operating a web page;
3. Supports changing the background color and text color of PDF to bring a different visual experience;
4. Supports local book management, no need to upload local files to the cloud, safe and fast;
5. Supports changing the reader window size, directory area size, mark area size, etc. by dragging and dropping to achieve the most comfortable reading experience.

The following functions are supported for books in ePub format:
1.Support multiple layout modes
Including four layout modes: scrolling, single page, double page, and automatic paging;
Using multi-page layout can maximize the use of the screen and effectively improve the efficiency of reading and searching for knowledge;
In the scrolling layout mode, it supports continuous reading mode of the whole book. There is no need to click the button to switch the previous and next chapters, the reader will automatically load the previous and next chapters;
In paging layout mode, the mouse wheel is supported for page turning, and the keyboard up and down keys are supported for page turning.

2. Rich backgrounds and themes
There are 5 built-in background images and 6 themes, including dark themes, making reading colorful.

3. In-text operation function
Supports in-text operation functions such as copying, underlining, notes, bookmarks, and collections. Supports 3 underlining styles, and can switch existing underlining styles at any time;
Supports image viewing function, and supports image enlargement, reduction, rotation and other functions.
Supports retrieval of notes, bookmarks, collections and other objects.
Supports in-text search, can search for any keywords, and automatically highlights in-text search results based on the search results.

4. Text adjustment
Supports text size, line height, paragraph height, switching fonts and other functions, and supports adjusting text thickness.

5. Support full-screen reading with a single reader

The following functions are supported for books in PDF format:
1. Supports smooth underlining and note-taking on PDF, as simple and convenient as operating a web page;
2. Supports changing the background color and text color of PDF to bring a different visual experience;
3. Supports two layout modes, including single-page and double-page layout modes;
4. Supports PDF automatic scaling, scaling by percentage, and supports CTRL key + mouse wheel scaling function;
5. Supports clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation of PDF;
6. Support bookmark function.

Supports more than 14 languages, including: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, 한국인, Japanese, Français, Español, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands, Русский, Português, svenska, Hindi

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