Y. Split View

Y. Split View 1.11.1 for Microsoft Edge

Y. Split View (kdadggmgegndoohfdghmohekpjekmpen): Setup multiple YouTube stream within one screen.…Read more about Y. Split View> or Download crx file now >

Y. Split View Add-on Details

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Y. Split View is a free Entertainment extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could download the latest version crx file or the old version crx files to install it.

More About Y. Split View

Your favorite YouTubers are collaborating together and you want to watch their live streaming all together? This extension is for you.

- Setup multiple YouTube videos / live streamings together at one screen.
(only one video can be playing at the same time)

- Dynamic resize and move the video.

- Support Live Chat.
(Super Chat and Super Emoji cannot be sent due to the restriction of YouTube)

- Blue Wrench Live Chat popup like a Super Chat Card for easier viewing.

- Support Dark Mode for Live Chat.

- Stream status embedded.

- Optimization for reducing CPU usage of Live Chat.

- Support Archived Live Chat.


- This is an independent project developed by ChanPete and has no relationship to YouTube or Google.

- Icons made by Freepik.

- Google Material icons used under Apache license version 2.0.

- YouTube API Services is used.

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