Enigma - ChatGPT Sidebar

Enigma - ChatGPT Sidebar 0.1.0 for Microsoft Edge

Enigma - ChatGPT Sidebar (jalhmgdfadhpllllimiejhlkngomlpih): Enigma is an AI assistant sidebar. It brings the power of AI into your hands. Access ChatGPT everywhere.…Read more about Enigma - ChatGPT Sidebar> or Download crx file now >

Enigma - ChatGPT Sidebar Add-on Details

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3.22 MB
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Enigma - ChatGPT Sidebar is a free Productivity extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file or the old version crx files to install it.

More About Enigma - ChatGPT Sidebar

Access ChatGPT anywhere anytime with the Enigma sidebar extension!

- Ask ChatGPT from anywhere, in the browser, even when demand is high!
- Query highlighted text directly from context menu.
- VS Code extension (will be available soon!).
- Download response as Word document.
- Keep chat context for each website separately.
- Use the sidebar anywhere in the web.
- Get answers with faster response time.
- Query highlighted text from any website.
- Summarize any webpage without any limit to the size.
- Desktop and mobile applications (will be available soon!).

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