
TwoSeven 2.2.78 for Microsoft Edge

TwoSeven (ijmgabkialjfgihheolilfhcefheabok): Opens up exciting new possibilities of watching together on…Read more about TwoSeven> or Download crx file now >

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3.31 MB
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TwoSeven is a free Social extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file or the old version crx files to install it.

More About TwoSeven

Extends capabilities of TwoSeven to synchronize Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney+, HBO and Crunchyroll videos. In addition, the extension will detect supported videos from many, many other websites, and provide an easy way to watch together.

Simply install the extension, login, and head over to the website where the video you want to watch together exists. The extension will report any supported videos that it found. Click on the TwoSeven extension icon, and select which video you would like to watch together. The extension will automatically load it in an existing TwoSeven room if you're part of one, or create a new room with this video.

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