ChatDLP 1.4.2 for Microsoft Edge

ChatDLP (gljdliklbnhbejoojmoeldbckilndbnn): ChatDLP automatically redacts sensitive information from your ChatGPT prompts.…Read more about ChatDLP> or Download crx file now >

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ChatDLP is a free Productivity extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file to install it.

More About ChatDLP

Take control of your organization's data privacy and security with ChatDLP, a reliable Chrome extension designed to protect sensitive information when using ChatGPT. Install ChatDLP across your organization to automatically mask sensitive data and personal information before it reaches ChatGPT's servers, ensuring utmost privacy and security for your team.

Seamlessly integrating into your workflow, ChatDLP empowers you to confidently leverage the power of ChatGPT while protecting your organization's sensitive information.

Automatic Anonymization: ChatDLP acts as a robust anonymizer, seamlessly masking sensitive data and personal information in real-time. It covers a wide range of data types, including phone numbers, names, email addresses, credit card numbers, and IP addresses.
Seamless Integration: ChatDLP seamlessly integrates with ChatGPT, enabling secure and private conversations within your organization. By installing ChatDLP, you create a safe environment for your team to collaborate without compromising sensitive information.

❓ FAQ ❓
Q: Does ChatDLP store any data?
A: No, ChatDLP does not store any data transmitted through the extension. It is designed with privacy in mind, ensuring that all information processed remains confidential and is not retained or stored in any form.
Q: Can ChatDLP access or view our conversations?
A: No, ChatDLP does not access or view your conversations. Its sole purpose is to automatically mask sensitive data and personal information within your communications. ChatDLP operates as a secure intermediary, ensuring that your conversations remain private and confidential.
Q: Does ChatDLP use the same classification engine as Sentra?
A: No, ChatDLP utilizes a different classification engine specifically designed for the anonymization of sensitive data. While both ChatDLP and Sentra focus on privacy and security, they employ distinct engines tailored to their respective functionalities.
Q: Where are ChatDLP’s anonymization servers located?
A: ChatDLP's anonymization servers are primarily located in the United States to cater to the needs of our users in that region. If you have specific requirements regarding server locations, please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

Sentra is a cloud data security platform that enables security teams to gain full visibility and control of cloud data and protect against sensitive data breaches across the entire public cloud stack. Sentra's platform provides automatic data discovery, classification, monitoring, and protection for cloud-first organizations.

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