Ninja Cookie

Ninja Cookie 0.7.0 for Microsoft Edge

Ninja Cookie (eaiglkmcbamilakcbmpgjfoemjhbonpe): Opt out of non-essential cookies and automatically remove cookie popups.…Read more about Ninja Cookie> or Download crx file now >

Ninja Cookie Add-on Details

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Ninja Cookie is a free Productivity extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file to install it.

More About Ninja Cookie

Have you had enough of cookie banners? Forget about them! Ninja Cookie will take care of these and can say “no” to them for you!
Ninja Cookie automatically rejects the use of non-essential cookies in cookie popups and makes them disappear.

- Get yourself heard: say “no” to the collection of your data!
Do you always click on “I agree” just to make life easier? Why not be a little more careful without any difficulty and protect your privacy with Ninja Cookie? The ninja will reject for you the use of non-essential cookies. That is much better for your privacy.

- Enjoy Internet browsing without the worry of cookie banners!
Is clicking on the same buttons over and over again boring? Do cookie banners drive you insane?
Ninja Cookie can take care of them for you. The ninja automatically recognizes and removes them after setting them up properly.
Now you can browse the Web with peace of mind.

- Save time and clicks!
How much time do you waste clicking on cookie banners? Ninja Cookie is the easiest way to get rid of them. By automatically configuring cookie pop-ups, Ninja Cookie saves you time and thousands of unnecessary clicks.

Ninja Cookie is still young and is getting better every day. If you experience bugs or problems, please use the "Report a bug" button.

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End-User License Agreement (EULA):

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