
Refoorest 4.7.3 for Microsoft Edge

Refoorest (dkfehkddclgjacpikbcmjgflpmmdgcgk): Free solution to plant trees without changing your search engine…Read more about Refoorest> or Download crx file now >

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Refoorest is a free Search Tools extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file or the old version crx files to install it.

More About Refoorest

🌲 First tree planted upon install

β€’ Why add refoorest?
β˜€οΈ To fight global warming
♻️ To offset your carbon footprint
🌲 To participate in reforestation
🌍 To make an ecological gesture for the planet
πŸ‘Š To have an environmental and social impact on a daily basis
πŸ™ˆ 100% Data privacy guaranteed

β€’ Why is refoorest 100% free?
Tree planting is funded by our partners.

β€’ Why planting trees is good for the climate?
Each tree planted sequesters 30 KG of CO2 per year and partially offsets your carbon footprint.
Each tree emits 7 KG of oxygen per year and promotes biodiversity.
Every 100 trees planted creates a working day for local farmers.

β€’ Where are the trees planted with refoorest?
The trees are planted in heavily deforested areas: Central America, Haiti, Mozambique, Kenya, Madagascar, Nepal, Indonesia.

β€’ Can I keep my search engine and refoorest?
Yes refoorest works with all search engines.
You don't need to change your search engine to plant trees.

β€’ Do you want to get involved in the climate?
Don't wait any longer and plant your first tree today with refoorest.

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