Avira Safe Shopping

Avira Safe Shopping for Microsoft Edge

Avira Safe Shopping (caiblelclndcckfafdaggpephhgfpoip): Safe and Private Shopping…Read more about Avira Safe Shopping> or Download crx file now >

Avira Safe Shopping Add-on Details

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Avira Safe Shopping is a free Shopping extension for Microsoft Edge or other Chromium (Blink) based browsers.

You could view developer's website, check extension's privacy policy, download the latest version crx file to install it.

More About Avira Safe Shopping

Avira Safe Shopping is your browser extension, which ensures your safety and privacy while shopping online, and provides you with better deals from secure websites.

- Browse securely: We ensure every webpage you visit is safe and stop anyone from spamming or tricking you via phishing websites.
- Anti-tracking: We protect your privacy while shopping by stopping thousands of ad networks from monitoring and profiling your online shopping behavior.
- Safe deals: We compare offers and product prices – from secure websites only – to help you make informed decisions while you shop online.
- Know before you go: We highlight infected sites directly in your search results to ensure you know which sites are harmful before you click.

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